Mashreq Bank Swift Code UAE

Mashreq Bank Swift Code for All Branches in UAE

Picture of Khalid Sheikh

Khalid Sheikh

khalid Sheikh is a Legal Services Consultant residing in UAE since 2019. He is providing services related to Emirates ID, Emirates Visa, Qatar ID and other Emirates Services. He is sharing his knowledge to benefit people seeking Emirates ID, Qatar ID and other information.

While Sending or receiving money internationally, through wire transfers must have the correct information. One of the important keys while transferring money, is the SWIFT code of the bank. The Mashreq Bank is one of the top banks in the UAE due to its great customer service.

The Bank swift code is important while sending or receiving money internationally. This page will give you a detailed look at the Mashreq Bank Swift Code in UAE. If you are a Mashreq Bank member and need a Swift code for each branch, then you can look through this guide for the details.

Mashreq Bank Swift Code

The swift code is especially needed when transferring money between banks or for international transactions.

Information about FAB Bank:

The Swift code for Mashreq Bank is usually MSHQGB2LXXX. Each letter is crucial as it represents an essential information about the bank, which is as follows:

Mashreq Bank PSC Swift Code Details

Branch NameBranch CodeSWIFT CodeAddressCityCountry
MashreqXXXBOMLAEADXXXDubai, United Arab EmiratesDUBAIUnited Arab Emirates

Mashreq Bank Swift Code for Other Branches

Branch NameCityBranch CodeBranch AddressSwift Code
HEAD OFFICEDUBAIHDOHead Office, Dubai, United Arab EmiratesBOMLAEADHDO
FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS DIVISIONDUBAIEBCFinancial Institutions Division, Dubai, United Arab EmiratesBOMLAEADEBC
FOREIGN TRADE CENTREDUBAIFTCForeign Trade Centre, Dubai, United Arab EmiratesBOMLAEADFTC
REMITTANCES CENTREDUBAIRAMRemittances Centre, Dubai, United Arab EmiratesBOMLAEADRAM
TREASURY AND INVESTMENT DIVISIONDUBAITIDTreasury and Investment Division, Dubai, United Arab EmiratesBOMLAEADTID

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